
How Can Trees Help Conserve Energy?

How Can Trees Help Conserve Energy?

Trees provide shady spots to relax on hot summer days and add beauty to our yards. Sometimes trees even increase property values! But did you know that energy-saving trees can also regulate your home’s temperature? Planting the right trees in your yard means less energy use and lower utility bills — a win-win for the environment and your wallet. So, how do trees help conserve energy? The Monster Tree Service team explains how strategically planting energy-saving trees can help you save on utility costs year-round!

How Do Trees Conserve Energy?

Provide Cool Shade in the Summer

What’s the first thing you look for on a hot summer day? Shade! Trees cool us down during the summer by reflecting light energy and cooling through transpiration. Here’s how both of these processes work to conserve energy.


Benefits of Shade

Planting deciduous trees on your home's western and southern sides blocks the harsh evening sun. By deflecting the sunlight, your home interior stays cool while you spend less on your A/C bill. Planting three trees can help reduce your energy costs by 30%. Because deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter, you can still enjoy the benefits of the warm sun when you need to heat your home in colder weather.


While you may love your patio, concrete retains heat and can raise the temperature around your home. Planting trees with wide canopies along concrete driveways and patios reduces heat absorption. Shady trees mean you can enjoy the view outside and take a break from cooling your interior.


Benefits of Transpiration

During transpiration, trees absorb water through their roots and release it through their leaves, cooling the air the same way we cool our bodies through sweating. As a result, the temperature under a tree can be up to 25 degrees cooler than in the surrounding area. As you can see, trees work overtime to keep us cool!

Block Cold Wind in the Winter

Winter winds push their way through the nooks and crannies of our homes, creating cold drafts. Rather than cranking up the heat, you can block these chilly winds by planting an evergreen wall along the northern edge of your property. Evergreens retain their leaves year-round and provide a barrier to harsh winter winds, keeping your home safe from blustery gales.

Decrease Energy Consumption Year-round

Strategically planting deciduous and evergreen trees around your home reduces the need for cooling and heating. Moderating your thermostat helps reduce your carbon footprint and utility bills which is a big win for you and the planet.


Ways to Maximize Conservation with Energy-saving Trees

Set New Trees Up for Success

Planting new energy-saving trees is the first step to lowering your utility bills. However, the process doesn’t end there! You need to set your trees up for success by learning how to support new trees and shrubs. This means researching what types of trees will thrive in your region, ensuring soil quality, and planting strategically. If you’re unsure where to start, you should consult an arborist.

Take Care of Existing Trees

New trees take time to mature, meaning it may be years until you reap the benefits of home-energy conservation. If you have existing trees on your property, you’re ahead of the game. However, mature trees need to be properly cared for so you can continue to enjoy their shade. Invest in plant health care and understand the importance of spring pruning. Investing in your trees now will help save money down the line. After all, it’s much more expensive to plant a new mature tree than it is to preserve an old one.


Save Time and Energy with Monster Tree Service

Keeping up with seasonal tree maintenance and health care can take a lot of time and effort. Conserve your energy by enlisting the help of professional arborists. Whether you’re planting new trees or taking care of existing trees, your local Monster Tree Service team is here to help them thrive. Remember, only healthy energy-saving trees can help you cut down your utility bills! Start conserving with trees and contact Monster Tree Service today for a free estimate.
